Friday, November 19, 2010 - Happy Birthday to WHO ?!? (all b-days between 11/10 & 12/21)


Hi Misfits, this post involves ALL who had (or are having) B-days between Nov 10th & Dec 21 ... so stay tuned. I've been out most of the day and have a mailbox full of birthday request here ... so instead of trying to post a dozen different emails ... i'm just going to give a condensed recap here ...and will forward any of the personal notes involved to you shortly.
 1) Diane Buck of NJ made a $10 Tip Jar donation for Rose Latham & herself.
2) Darrell Hartsock of WV transferred 2 of his Tip Jars to Rose Latham ... additionally, Darrell is also Kevin's monthly sponsor for his PROmisfits mailbox.
3) Azbrujo (Joe Madrid of NM) transferred 2 Tip Jars from his account ... one each to Rose & Kevin. 
4) Softballhp (Joe Fernandes of CA) made a $10 Tip Jar donation for Kevin Wilson & himself.
5) Cindi McCloud of AR transferred 2 Tip Jars from her account to Kevin Wilson.
6) Dawn Grady of NV made a $10 Tip Jar donation for Marshall (va_taz) & herself.
7) Guylaine Legault [*] of Quebec Canada made a $150 donation for 15 Tip Jars for herself and one each to the next 15 birthdays beginning with Carl Agilby of TX, Marshall of VA,  Rose Latham of FL, Kevin Wilson of AL, Karen Moore of VT, Andrew (crazyboy665) of PA, Terry Prather of OH, Erin Burgos of OR, Jennifer James of IA, Steve Pix of FL, Lisa Tulli of NH, Margie Sherrill (celeste) of TX, Beth Dunkin? (naughty sagittarius) of AZ,  Paula Posyton of FL and Jennifer MacDonald of FL.
[*] ... for those of you who do not know Guylaine, she is one fine & beautiful french canadian lady who joined our global chat network (a closed yahoo club) back in 2001.
So Happy Birthday to all the receivers above and Many Thanks to the givers (for all the work - lol - i luv it & you know it). All of the above transactions will be reflected on your individual Tip Jar accounts coming out later this weekend. If you have made a related transaction recently which is not listed above ... please contact me. Thanks & Stay Tuned, steve :-)

(='.'=) Dear Dorothy, Hate Oz. Took the shoes.
(")_(") Find your own way home!!! xoxo Toto
Thanks & Looking Forward,
StumpySteve, MD

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"If you spend all of your time looking back at yesterday,
You are destined to trip over tomorrow." ~ Thomas Maher

"Life's Journey" is not to arrive at the group safely in
a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting ... Holy Moly!! What a Ride!!

(='.'=) Dear Dorothy, Hate Oz. Took the shoes.
(")_(") Find your own way home!!! xoxo Toto
Thanks & Looking Forward,
StumpySteve Wilson, MD



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