Saturday, January 29, 2011

Re: - More Walmartians..

I doubt that even Steven Hawking of Oxford would be able to figure the equitation needed for these folks even using the NASA's super computer.

From: chuck--lovesong45 <>
Sent: Sat, January 29, 2011 10:19:24 AM
Subject: - More Walmartians..



 Good Morning at Wal-Mart 
image00111.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Hershey's has a new butterscotch chip!
Now, somebody go get us a few barrels of cookie dough.
image00222.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375"> 
Halloween shopping tip: You don't need to wear last year's costume to shop for this year's.

By the way, is the lady in red wearing the same "I can't believe more than one person bought these" shorts?
image00333.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
I hope you just injured that foot from kicking your own ass for wearing that out in public
image00444.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
I was going to count how many sizes too small that is but I've only got like 20 years of education, so counting that high seems out of my grasp. If there is anyone out there with a doctorate in Quantum Physics that would like to give it a try, we would welcome the answer.
image00555.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
I woke up today completely pissed off that it was Monday. Yes I had a case of the "Mondays," and I was miserable. So for all you people who for some reason like school or work and woke up in good spirits this morning, this should ruin that and bring you back down with the rest of us.
image00666.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
She's looking to get some Multi-grain into her diet !!!

image00777.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Oh dear God! Please someone go explain to her what "cougar hunting" is. Is that whatcha call a poodle perm?
image00888.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Hearts, stars & horseshoes, clovers & blue moons, pots of gold & rainbows & even red balloons!!!!
Unfortunately these "Lucky Charms" aren't magically delicious.
image00999.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Nothing runs like a Deere? You should have seen me haul ass when I saw her
image0101010.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Why wouldn't you wanna show off that grade-A caboose after all that toning you've put in with those ankle weights?
image0111111.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
I didn't know I could buy a table dance at Walmart.
They really do have everything!!
image0121212.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Thanks for ruining such a great word by the way.
image0131313.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
I'm so glad you decided to show us your gutt-crack instead. It's such a pleasant change of scenery.
image0141414.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Really? Did you think at all when you dressed? You tossed on those shorts because they rock & grab the shirt your kid just jammed into the paper shredder? Is that how you go about your day, just a complete disregard for anything?
image0151515.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Question: If you are drawing on ridiculous looking eyebrows why not draw them like The Rocks. Why would you choose to make it look like everything you see is shocking? On a side note, I'm scared.
image0161616.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
I guess that's why they call it the "Show-Me" state….
image0171717.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
After doing some extensive research  we have concluded that at some point that shirt was once whole & at another point in time it became stretched-torn & hanging on by  the seams as you see it now. But for some reason our research cannot conclude when that point in time exactly was. However, the Issac Newton in me is guessing it occurred right when she put it on.
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image0191919.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Why does it look like you started to put on another shirt then got tired. Also, your back looks like a frog's face & that makes me happy.
image0202020.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
WTF?? what gives!? She has her body covered & she isn't wearing anything too crazy!

image0212121.<SPAN id=jpg" src="&fid=Inbox&inline=1" width="600" height="375">
Did she really think by removing her flip-flops the number would be that much lower?



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